SEPTEMBER 14th 8:00 a.m. CST

Have you been overwhelmed by the amount of yarn and patterns there are and you just can’t choose which one to start?

What about the self-judgment you have for all that stash already in baskets in your crafty space,  but you go out with a friend  to your local LYS only to purchase more yarn yet?

Maybe you are like many other knitters I know who have several WIP’s on at once, only to be lured into casting on yet another.

I’m sure there have been occasions where you have spent a lot of time, energy and money on a project only to finally finish it and it doesn’t fit like what you wanted?

Do you realize how much your knitting is teaching you about yourself? Do you realize that the way you approach your knitting is a mirror to show you the way you do life? There are strategies to how we do everything and your knitting is no exception.

I don’t teach knitting nor design knitting patterns, I leave that to the experts in those fields. But what I will show you and help you to see is how to become aware of what your knitting can teach you about yourself.

How would it feel is you could have more personal insight to:

  • Overcome overwhelm
  • Make decisions for yourself where in the past you might not have been able to
  • Change beliefs about what you can or think you can not do
  • Change habits within yourself that no longer serve you
  • Uncover what it is that you really want for your life (and how your knitting can show you that.)
  • Making mistakes – what are mistakes really anyway
  • Self-Judgment – Who wouldn’t want less of that!
  • What frogging really shows you
  • And what about all those WIP’s and FO’s?
  • And much more