Breakthrough Coaching Package



If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

If all the things you’ve tried in the past didn’t get you the results you wanted.

If all the “talk therapy” you’ve done over the years hasn’t resulted in anything of significance for you.

If you want something more for yourself and your life and you can’t put your finger on what that is, nor how to get there.

If you have an inkling of a feeling within yourself that is pulling you into a greater expression of yourself, but you just can’t get there.

You know beyond a shadow of a doubt that life is supposed to be so much more than what it is right now for yourself, if only you could get some clarity into what that is and find the right direction.

If you’ve been challenged by self-talk such as:

  •  “I’m not good enough.” 
  • “Things are fine, who am I to want anything more?”
  •  “I should just be grateful for what I have, after all, it is so much better than my parents had it.”
  • “I can never get past some of the awful things that have happened in my life.”
  • “Fill in the blank______________with whatever it is you say to yourself.”

If any of these feel like where you are at in your life and don’t want to put off any longer discovering the bigger picture of your life for yourself, a BREAKTHROUGH COACHING SESSION will get you there.

I had the absolute pleasure of taking part in a ‘Breakthrough Session’ with Krista last month and I can honestly say that the change in my life and how I’ve been feeling is incredible. She helped me heal my anxiety deep within my subconscious programming like nothing I’ve experienced before, which I know has changed the direction of my life for good.

Suse - Perth, WA