Tapping Into Possibility & Potential

Do some of these feelings and thoughts ring true to you?

You want to BE something more in your life.

You KNOW there is something within you calling you.

You’re sort of sick of the status quo.

You already feel like it is too late.


You have a feeling time is running out.

The kids are raised (at least for the most part)

Your time is now more of your own and you want to make the most of it.

You're not sure where to start.

You have an inkling of something trying to have an expression through you and you, of all people, want to see that person.

You don’t want to waste precious time.

And what if it told you, beyond a shadow of a doubt there are answers for you.

Specifically for you.

You will be able to uncover what it is that you want and need to be for yourself, AND, it is not too late!

You’ve spent much of your life taking care of others’ needs and wants and desires. Now, it is your turn to see the fuller expression of you.

No more holding back.

No more not being who you’ve always wanted to be. Life has been good. Yet, it can be better. It can be more fulfilling and more of an expression of you.

And NOW is exactly the right time.

You may have had some therapy over the years and you are beyond that. You are not depressed, life is for the most part good. Yet in your later 50’s you know that there is a lot more life yet to live. Heck, you could live another 35 years yet – and those years can be full and joyful and have more meaning for you than any other part of your life thus far.

I’m sure raising kids has been both challenging and rewarding, and yes there is a lot of value and honor in that. Or a career you’ve had on top of the kids and the demands that too has taken. It’s easy to get lost in the daily living of those demands.

Now there is more space.

Now there is more room to see and feel that sort of gnawing within you saying “It’s time for the next chapter.” “It’s time for you to see and be and become and express an entirely different part of you.”

What is that for you? And even if you do have an inkling of what that might be, what steps do you take to get there?

Is it possible?

What is the greatest potential available for you?


Clarity on what is the one area for you to create next in your life NOW.

What that creation will mean to you.

How this will impact your life and the lives of others close to you.

Why this is so important for you to create and why you can not put it off any longer.





Krista is incredibly kind & genuine, that makes it very easy to honestly open up and share with her. She provides amazing insight & valuable alternative perspective. Having Krista’s support has improved my life immensely.

Kristine S. – La Crosse WI

Krista was open about the life experiences she has encountered that have helped shape her into the powerful women she is today. She had a knowing capability to identify & help me resolve my struggles & ultimately point me in my right direction.

Pat W. – Loveland CO

My experience with Krista has been nothing short of profound. I opened up with a recurring challenge I have faced throughout my life. By the end of the hour, my perspective had shifted in a way it never had before. I am forever altered and feel a freedom I haven't felt before . So grateful to Krista for her compassionate, skilled guidance. I will continue my healing journey with fresh eyes.

Rebecca Z.  – Madison, WI